Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Webinar a Refresher Course in Marketing!

The PPA Webinar with Photographer Laura Novak was refreshing and enlightening!

While I have been in business for years, it is always important for me to revisit my business practices and apply new information gained from others. Laura Novak presented for an hour yesterday, sharing her success as a wedding photographer. I found her information invaluable.

One interesting point: She creates lovely custom promotional pieces using I highly recommend her seminars and webinars to anyone interested in growing or trying to brighten up their existing photography business.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Watch the Saturation!

After a recent wedding, I was reviewing the images an employee edited. The saturation was way off and look at the difference. When it comes to people and Adobe Bridge, I prefer to keep the saturation at "0". This keeps the skin tone from turning too orange or pasty looking. Contrast, clarity and vibrance can be played with. If you have some areas of the dress that need to be brought out, recovery helps alot.